Coords.cs - Place in CLEO folder.
Coords.fxt - Place in CLEO\CLEO_TEXT folder.
Displays the coordinates of the players X, Y, Z, the players (A)ngle and the
(I)nterior number (A.K.A. the universe) as constant display line in GTA SA.
Note the top yellow line in the demo pic.
Some Info for reading the display
(fairly straight forward and well known);
X flows west/east.
Y flows north/south.
Z flows up/down.
A Angle is 0 - 360 clockwise, with north being 0.
I Used Interiors are numbers 0 to 18.
Very useful for exploring interiors, and finding markers in the dark.
Not exactly 100% the same as Sanny Builder displays the coordinates,
but they are very, very close.
The starter code for this was borrowed from the Math (float to integer) tutorial.
I added the display line, angle info, interior number and I extended to four
point precision of the X Y and Z.
- GTA Guy