It is a [MVL] vehicle for Vice City, the Rustler plane from San Andreas! Now you can fly above Vice and even reach top of Downtown skyscrapers. Don't expect flying physisc just like in SA, because VC lacks of it, and this plane is technically hybrid between car and plane with aerial setting appropriatelly adjusted and RC Baron flight flag enabled.
!NOTE! You must have Maxo Vehicle Loader mod (newest version) installed to add that vehicle, othervise it will not work and [CLEO] for VC library installed too !NOTE!
1.| Installation:
A. put "x6104_mustang.7z" into 'vehicles' directory
B. add these lines to carcols.dat :
76, 117, 183 #213 Rustler Blue
215, 142, 16 #214 Rustler Yellow
167, 162, 143 #215 Rustler Desert
54, 65, 85 #216 Rustler Bluedark
170, 157, 132 #217 Rustler Desert2
57, 90, 131 #218 Rustler Blue2
111, 130, 151 #219 Rustler Blue3
105, 88, 83 #220 Rustler dark
100, 13, 27 #221 Rustler red
C. Replace "..\Data\Maps\Airport\airport.IPL" file with the one provided inside archive.
D. Put "vehicle_mod - cargenerator RS.cs" into 'CLEO' directory
2.| Features:
- you have ability to explore skies of Vice City right now
- rustler may seem to be lil too fast, mabe it is, but othervise it couldn't fly over skyscrapers
- plane is armed with 4 machineguns, press space to fire them
- it is hard to destroy onground car, but not impossible so keep trying!
- model has set ID: 6104 via prefix "x6104_" in name of archive, change it to any you like or delete if you wish
3.| Changes:
- NOMAXALTITUDE flag applied, so plane behaves more freely and can climb with no problem anytime
- high detail chassis_vlo model, previously it wasn't in fact
- aerohandling adjusted for more realistic
4.| Bugs:
- front wheels are NOT rotating, this is done purposely, because reversing front and back wheels dummies to have turnable rear ones, caused weird thing that back wheels moved in place front ones went to horizontal position when player was in plane, just like after using SEAWAYS code, i couldn't get rid of it so i decided to make those buggy wheels invisible and add theirs copies fixed attached to main chassis of model
- it's not a bug BUT watch for turning! on-ground wheels turning is reversed because of turnable REAR wheel; in air steering is normal!
- sometimes glass in the cockpit seems to be "transparent through" the plane model, maybe i'll fix this modeling issue in future...
4.| 2012, All rights reserved. Mod made from scratch by MW_29, vehicle model taken from GTA San Andreas, converted and edited by myself.
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