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SA:MP KeyBinder
GTA SAMP Keybinder
Information Files
Author: paulicabos
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 1.0
Status: Complete
Started on: 01 Sep 2012
Last Updated: 11 Mar 2013
Views: 1075216
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 3.22222 (9 votes)
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Using this program you cand bind a command to a key.

* you can bind up to 16 commands
* there are 85 available hotkeys
* after you exit the program the binds and hotkeys are saved
* the program will send T (for opening the chat) and {ENTER} to press enter when you hit the hotkey
* if the active program is not GTA:SA:MP the hotkeys are disabled

Update! 2.0 -

What you need to know:
 - if you want to disable a bind press press Delete when choosing the hotkey
 - if you want to disable all binds press disable binds
 - if you want to send t & enter directly just click at the * near the textbox and t & {ENTER} will be added

 - you can bind up to 20 keys
 - you can choose the hotkey very easy by pressing it
 - you can use this as a SA:MP Keybinder or as an universal keybinder
 - if you are using this as a SA:MP Keybinder if the chat is open the keys won't be send
 - if you don't like to see that many binds you can hide them, this automaticaly disables them
 - every bind will be saved, and also the hotkey
 - all the setings you make will be saved
 - you can send the ( ) ~ keys (in most keybinders you can't)
 - you can save or open binds configuration with file - open / save

 -this program was made using Visual C#
 -for the hotkey I used the RegisterHotkey function from user32.dll
 -to find out if the current window is GTA I used GetForegroundWindow and FindWindow, also from user32.dll
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