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HUD & Radar Enabler/Disabler
Type "HUDOFF" or "HUDON" to disable/enable HUD & Radar
Information Files
Author: oksa8 No Screenshots Available Yet
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 3.0 Final
Status: Complete
Started on: 23 Jul 2011
Last Updated: 21 Jun 2012
Views: 34961
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 3.8 (5 votes)
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HUD & Radar Enabler/Disabler v1.0
Works for v1.0 US .exe only! Tested only on Cleo 4 Type "HUDOFF" to disable HUD and Radar Type "HUDON" to enable HUD and Radar Uses same method to enable/disable HUD and Radar as changing the settings, so the mod shouldn't cause any bugs with mods that check if HUD or Radar is enabled.
HUD & Radar Enabler/Disabler v2.0
Now uses keypress-combos, with following features: Disabling and enabling HUD (CTRL+Shift+1) Disabling and enabling radar (CTRL+Shift+2) Disabling and enabling car name display (CTRL+Shift+3) Disabling and enabling zone name display (CTRL+Shift+4) Disabling and enabling all above (CTRL+Shift+5) Version 2.0 uses ultimate radar-detection. If you have set Radar-mode to "Blips only", when you disable radar and enable again, it'll remember your selection and sets it to "Blips only". And vice versa for "Map and blips".
HUD & Radar Enabler/Disabler v3.0 Final
Disabling and enabling HUD (CTRL+Shift+1) Disabling and enabling radar (CTRL+Shift+2) Disabling and enabling car name display (CTRL+Shift+3) Disabling and enabling zone name display (CTRL+Shift+4) Disabling and enabling radio-station name display (CTRL+Shift+5) Disabling and enabling all above (CTRL+Shift+6) Disabling and enabling radio-station (CTRL+Shift+7) Also includes Quick-use-edit of the mod, which allows you to use the mod without pressing CTRL+Shift. You first need to enable the mod by typing "Disable", and you can disable the mod by typing "Disable" again. Preview-video:
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brick bit bit bit
bit bit bit bit