Parking Mod
Lets you make a parking spot anywhere
Information Files
Author: Nissandrifter
Works with: GTA IV 
Release/Version: 0.2
Status: Work In Progress
Started on: 06 Mar 2011
Last Updated: 08 Mar 2011
Views: 46260
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 3.88889 (9 votes)
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This mod allows you to create parking spots anywhere of any size in which you can store an unlimited number of cars.

V0.2 Changelog:
-Settings are now stored in INI file
-Option to spawn to the previously used parking spot
-Now saves more of the cars data(0.1 files incompatible with 0.2 but doesn't look like 0.1 has been approved yet anyway... )

INI Settings:
Interval is how often the script checks your location, making the value higher may give a delay between you leaving and the data saving.
ViewDistance is max distance from the center of the parking spot that the vehicles are loaded, I found this value gives no errors however you may need to lower it if you do
SaveDistance is the distance from the center before the parking spot is saved, if set to -1, it uses the radius you set for the house.
Spawn is whether you want to spawn at the previously used spot.

Usage instructions:
To add a parking spot:
Type the command "createhouse Name"(Name is to be replaced with the actual name) into the scripthook console.

This then enables the use of the NumPad.

Go to the center of the area you want to use as a parking spot and press NumPad5, this will set the center point.

Next go to the far corner of the area and press NumPad9, this will set the radius of the spot.

Finally go to a the place you would like to spawn at for this parking spot(angle is saved so make sure you are heading in the right direction!)

Once you have set all 3 points. Use the "finishhouse" command, your new parking spot is now complete!
(use the "cancelhouse" command to cancel making the parking spot)

To delete a parking spot:
Go to the set spawn point and use the "deletehouse" command.

Installation instructions:
HazardX's Scripthook is required and can be downloaded from here:
Copy the into the scripts folder in your GTA4/EFLC directory.

Uninstallation instructions:
Delete and the ParkingData folder
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