Business Mod
assets give money everyday, BANK, paying in and out
Information Files
Author: fastman92
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 1.1
Status: Complete
Started on: 27 Nov 2010
Last Updated: 29 Nov 2010
Views: 65076
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.38461 (13 votes)
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Business 1.1 mod for GTA San Andreas

Works with save.
This CLEO mod provides you access to have assets that give you money everyday.
Money go to bank.

Main features of this mod:
	- Assets ( you`ll earn money depending on type and level of bought business
	- Bank (fully functional. assets relay money to the bank and you can also pay in and out
		from bank by typing number how much you want
	- WORKS with SAVE. Bank cash, bank type, levels are saved in save.

Assets list:
	- Motor saloon
	- Bowling
	- Block
	- Factory
	- Aqua Park
	- Hypermarket
	- Homes
	- Cinema
	- Skycrappers
	- Car sallon
 What`s new
Nothing, but i forgot about .fxt.

	- Put Business.cs into CLEO folder
	- Put Business_by_fastman92.fxt into CLEO\CLEO_TEXT.
	- Put Business.txd to models\txd
	When CLEO_TEXT doesn`t exist then create new CLEO_TEXT in CLEO folder. Return to this point again.

	Run the game, find a location in Los Santos. Will be tagged on map. Enjoy my mod.
Unlike other mods where you just have to remove .cs file, this mod requires a few more stepts to uninstall.
Main problem in normal way would be not working existing marker.
	- Run the game and load save that you want to remove Business mod references from. (save that has business data)
	- When you have loaded game, type this code: "REMOVEBUSINESS"
		After black text box will be displayed you can go to next point.
	- Save game without business references.
	- Delete Business.cs from CLEO folder
	- Remove Business_by_fastman92.fxt from CLEO\CLEO_TEXT folder.
Now you have completely uninstalled mod and your save is untouched in any way.

	Explore a gallery in Gallery folder. This folder is where is this file
	You`ll see how this mod looks ingame.

Version: 1.1
Author: fastman92

 Credits to seggaeman for image editing of logo textures displayed in some menus.
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