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GXT Editor 1.2
Information Files
Author: Hammer83 No Screenshots Available Yet
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 1.2
Status: Complete
Started on: 06 Dec 2005
Last Updated: 01 Jan 2006
Views: 233936
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.625 (16 votes)
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This editor allows you to modify GTA: SA localization files
so you can put your own text in the game.

16.06.2005 - Version 1.2 released. Multilingual support added, read-only auto clearance, faster UI update.
18.11.2004 - Version 1.1 is out. This one optionally saves key names in ini-files.
01.11.2004 - Version 1.0 of the editor is out privately.
28.10.2004 - Private GXT file viewer released.

I want to thank all the good people at gtaforums, which directly or indirectly
affected the creation of this editor. I fear to leave somebody out but I'll try to list
everyone anyway:
CyQ, Steve-M, Demarest, Opius, Delfi, Spooky, dans, Craig Kostelecky, PatrickW,
ashdexx, Smithers2, Barton W., REspawn, CtlAltDel, TwoZero, eAi, ModelingMan.
Keep those modding tools coming. It's your work that sparks my interest.

Also greeting to my buddy, Majestic.

French translation is done by [-Akado-].

This editor is unsupported, at least until PC version comes out.
So I don't answer any mails about it. If you want to ask question
or submit bugs, PM me on GTAForums,

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